Last week was a bit tied up with my lil brother going to UK to work. He told us he is going there but not sure when is the departing date coz he had asked his ex-boss wife who is an air stewardess in Cathay Pacific to book for him. Last minute, on last tuesday he informed us that he is going to UK on the following wednesday, that means the next day.
Sigh la...everyone was rushing here and there "AS BUSY AS A BEE" to buy him things and exchanged money too. My eldest sis bought him a winter duck feather jacket with a hand gloves, and I'm like "Ah Soh" as you know married and already a mother...I bought him a set of long john clothing and a lot of medicine from head to toe and also facial wash, hair & body shampoo. 3 of us sisters exchange some money for him and my parents gave him an angpow as a good luck "as smooth as a sailing boat" to work in UK.
My 2 sisters came home early from work on the day my lil brother leaving coz he has to be airport by 6.30pm and his flight is 9.30pm. My eldest sis asked me to order pizza as a farewell lunch/tea for my brother coz is his favourite. Both sis also bought some tarts, buns and kui-muih back. A lot of food for his farewell la...
I send my lil brother to airport with my parents, my 2 sisters, my niece and Sasha in a car and included a luggage too. Luckily I have a small MPV or else my sis have to drive another car, is a bit crampy but all of us enjoyed the journey.
When we reached the airport around 6.45pm, my bro went to check in his luggage and then we went for a drink. We have a short chat and everyone reminding him take care and becareful with those pick pocket coz he will transit in Bangkok, then Frankfurt followed by touch down in Barcelona, Spain. He will stay in Barcelona for few days only going in by train to UK.
All of us really missed him so much coz is his first time going so far....Here I put some of our sweet pics that taken at KLIA during his farewell. Good Luck & All The Best Lil Bro!!!
Good luck to your bro..
how nice ah, he get to tour europe first before goin to uk to start work.
you so busy huh. no wonder didn't see you bloggin for the last few days..
Now he worked for a wk in Spain and going to UK next week. Yup, really bz..lol :)
I'm a bit too slow to wish ur brother, anyway, i still wish him (belated one) All the best and good luck!
Annie! I really appreciated for your wishes.
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